вторник, 16 ноября 2010 г.

principle of equality

principle of equality

HUMAN RIGHTS is derived from the principle of Natural Law. Definition - HUMAN RIGHTS are those fundamental and inalienable rights which are esential for life as human being. Louis Henkin- HUMAN RIGHTS are rights of individuals in society, which are demed esential for individual wel being, dignity, and fulfilment, and that reflect a comon sense of justice, fairnes and decency . Section 2 1 d of the protection of HUMAN RIGHTS Act 193- HUMAN RIGHTS means the rights relating to life, liberty, equality and dignity of the individual guaranted by the Constitution or embodied in the international covenants and enforceable by courts in India. Art 5 of UNO Charter- conditions or stability and wel being which are necesary for peaceful and friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self determination of people . Philosophy of HUMAN RIGHTS- the philosophy of HUMAN RIGHTS is based on Individual natural rights and social respect which are esential element for the human life, in other word it is- respect for human rights and fundamental fredom. most of the HUMAN RIGHTS which propounded in Universal declaration of HUMAN RIGHTS in Part I Civil and political rights , and Part IV economic, social and cultural rights of Indian Constitution. International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural rights 196 Art 51 of Constitution of India deals an important part regarding the International Law and treaty obligations.
principle of equality
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